Monday, September 15, 2008


Have any of you seen this movie?? It's a really smart, but stupid movie. (SPOILERS AHEAD) The basic theme is that people with higher IQ's keep putting off having kids, while all the "less intelligent" people are out multiplying left and right. Eventually, you end up with a bunch of people with little smarts. Really, the opposite of what Darwin had intended in natural selection. So, these stupid people get stupider ;) and trash the planet. I am generally not one for simply "funny" movies. I don't want to be pretentious, but, I LIKE to think when I watch a movie, or excuse me, I suppose I prefer "films." But this is one funny movie with a point. Now granted, there are references to stupid, sex jokes that have been done and done and done and done. But in the context of this movie, it points out how ridiculous those jokes are, and highlights the kind of people who just keep on thinking those jokes are funny.

1 comment:

angela said...

Charlie & I talk about that movie quite often, about it is slowly happening.
Although, I must admit that when Charlie drinks gatorade I always remind him how great the electrolytes are for him. =)