Friday, August 29, 2008

Home Owner

Tim and I purchased our first house on Aug 11, we moved in the weekend of Aug 15. I had no idea just how much apartment life was weighing me down. I feel better about life in general. No more worrying about waking up the neighbors, or having the bass too loud on the TV. It's such a strange feeling. I moved out of the 'rents home the day I turned 18, and have been in apts/campus living for all of that. Having a house is so wonderful!! For those of you out there that think you can't do it, try harder! It's so worth it!!

On a second note, my drive to work is a little longer (~15 mins), but I can hardly complain about that aspect. What does create problems for me is the road-rage I am experiencing on my trip home from the office. People drive me NUTS on Walnut Grove. They drive like idiots in the fast lane, side-by-side the cars in the right lane...with 15 cars stuck behind. I'm sooo mad when I get home I could spit. It takes me about an hour to calm down. Why can't people just drive correctly and courteously??

1 comment:

angela said...

pictures, please!!!!!

can you see my blog yet? i really can't figure out what is going on.