Saturday, June 28, 2008


So, I am in, like, year two, or something, trying to develop a taste for beer. ANY beer. Tim and I are not big drinkers, so it's not like I wanna go out and get plastered. I just don't understand why that I can eat just about any food and appreciate it, and one little swig of beer makes me wanna turn my mouth inside out and have it steam cleaned. It's so nasty, I don't even like to smell it on the breath of my buds (sorry guys, it's true), or for goodness sakes those nasty overly-drunk people staggering around at parties. It's NASTY!

I just don't understand it. We've tried a few, liqour is just so much more can do so much with it...but beer...other than "beer-butt chicken" and bbq sauces..what else is beer good for, besides hiding perfectly sweet minty breath and getting one drunk cheaply?? Maybe it's because I'm beyond binge drinking...I want to catch my not-quite-truly-a-buzz on a tasty beverage.

I'm still trying. I'm not sure when I will give up, but for now, I will drink my kahlua and milk to wind down at night, or I'll make myself a nice tequila slushie on a hot day.


Christian said...

Well, I feel you on this for sure. But being married to a beer conusier or however you spell that, i finally found something I have a taste for. Wheat beer. You should try it. I don't like most other beers. My favorite is hoegarden.

Christian said...

PS congrats on graduating and having a job! Can't wait till we get to that point...